Tag: thought

  • TGIF…i’m done w/ lab…TGIF

    wow! i can trully say that i have been hella busy the past two weeks. as you can tell from my entries, either they are non-sense or freakin’ venting about something. anyways, today was my last lecture for that ics class. i also turned in my last lab—hopefully, i get enough points so i get…

  • labor weekend

    there comes a time every year when we have to celebrate labor weekend—the first weekend of september. its true that it is a weekend, but for the people taking ics142 with me, it is just another day in the labs. yah, you can say that’s what we get for taking summer school; i agree. however,…

  • 5 minute nap

    wow, i slept early last night and all (prolly around 1:30-2am) thinking that i will wake up and do my lab again in the morning. so i set my alarm for 7:15am, and i hear it. thinking that i’m good to go and get this day crackin’, stupid me decides to take a “5 minute”…

  • is this the real-life, or is it just fantasy…

    man-o-man… ever wonder if youre living a real life or just a fake illusion. it’s like searching for water in the dessert and you see a mirage of an oasis, you want it to be true but don’t really know the consequences after you take that first sip. well, that’s kind of my deep thought…

  • busy bee

    i’m sooo busy this past week. things just came on top of each other like your-own-hand-picked-mixed-ice-cream from Coldstone. however, i succeeded in writing all my programs for ics142; only thing is, i don’t think i had enough time to study for the quiz this past wednesday—i guess i’ll be dropping that one. as the weekend…