Quicksilver Shelf Plugin – My First Screencast
As I was trying to kill time, I was researching Quicksilver extendability other than just quick-launching apps. Yes, I know Spotlight does it from the get-go. My search led to a Lifehacker.com article (as usual, with this kind of things) written a while back about Gina Trapani‘s Top 10 Quicksilver Plugins (at the time: November…
Unlock Phones from AT&T
So in preparation to going to Europe, I wanted to be able to have a cellphone (mobile) handy in case of an emergency. I wanted to just use the iPhone 3G but I have updated to iPhone OS 2.2.1 with a baseband of 2.30.03, which there is no (software) unlock for. Luckily, I still have…
Find Duplicates in Address Book
Ever had the situation where you have synced your iPhone (to iTunes OS X) and happen to sync both the contacts from your Address Book and Google Contacts? Or, just happen to add someone’s new contact info as another contact-card? Well, here’s how I cleaned and merged duplicate contacts so that my Address Book performs…
Adium Chat Transcripts Location
This applies to those using the ever-popular IM client, Adium. Adium is a free instant messaging application for Mac OS X that can connect to AIM, MSN, Jabber, Yahoo, and more. If you are in a situation were you would need to back up your chat transcripts due to account migration, or in need to…