Tokyo Rising
Led by Pharrell Williams, the film Tokyo Rising documents the capital of Japan’s innovative and unique approach to culture and the resilience it has shown since the devastating earthquake which took place in March 2011. Life + Times Tokyo Rising [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAA74D2B5F33A84A2[/youtube]
Decontstructing The Expressive Web
Interesting interview of the breakdown/process poured into making Adobe and Big Spaceship’s latest project: The Expressive Web. Adobe Principal Product Manager Mike Chambers sits down with Stephen Koch, Sr. Developer from digital creative agency Big Spaceship, to discuss new design tools in HTML5 and CSS3 that can help you create expressive features in your webpages’…
Dan Wieden of 2015
Check out this creative job application video by Yann Corlay to Wieden+Kennedy. [youtube]e9pTC160uzU[/youtube] The back-story: Tony D here. Last week i received a jelly in the post supposedly from Dan Wieden. Sealed inside the jelly was a plastic box with a memory stick in it. On loading, it played a film of Dan asking me…
Ellie Goulding
Just in case you haven’t heard of her yet, she’s a pretty dope, talented singer-songwriter hailing from the UK. Diggin’ her sound. It’s like Lykke Li x Björk. [vimeo]http://www.vimeo.com/20687850[/vimeo]