Watch TV Season Premieres on Hulu
Ever since dropping Season-3 on tubes everywhere this past Monday night, NBC subliminally stated to the other networks, “We’re back bitches!” Meanwhile, I rarely watch TV when I get home other than watch MNF, ESPN and FOX Sports to keep up with Sports in general. Ever since getting a Hulu invite a couple months ago,…
Heroes Season 3 is Here
Finally, Heroes is back. Definitely one of my favorite shows of all-time. I saw the “Countdown” show last night. Looking good for Season 3 is what I can say. Anyways, Season 3 episodes starts at 9pm (Pacific). NBC is saying its two back-to-back new episodes. So that should make it from 9pm-11pm; a two-hour season…
Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld Microsoft Ads
It seems that Microsoft finally released its first video ad starring Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld. It’s called Shoe Circus. [youtube]uz6amk3P-hY[/youtube]
Do Work Son! – Motivational iPhone Wallpapers
One day, I just woke up feeling tired. I recall that it was in the middle of the week—Wednesday, aka. Hump Day. I had to force myself just to go out of the house for work. I was so close to call in sick; call it a day, and just rest it out in bed.…
The Office – Season 5 Trailers
With the Olympics halfway done, The Office has been producing some funny trailers lately. Here are a couple till you get your full dose of Season #5, airing on September 25th. Michael Scott on Volleyball: Dwight’s Olympics: Then again, You got Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrutte) promoting his movie, The Rocker =) You can try to…