Year of the Dog
The Year of the Dog seems to provide a bigger bark. It also provides new opportunities to learn new thing http://www.37signals.com/ buying spree of Web 2.0 app-groups, I just wonder when and if they’ll ever re-align their own site to Web 2.0 standards. One can wish but all can be surprised. I guess that’s what…
Web 2.0 and the Super Bowl
Oh the things you find while Blingo-ing. Since it’s that time of year again for the Super Bowl, with it comes: the backyard-BBQ parties, the trash-talking between teams, the millions-of-dollars-worth of bets, funny & creative commercials and last but not least, the office Super Bowl Pool. A couple of friends and I have been doing…
January Has Come and Gone
Here Ye! Here Ye! by stechico. Wow! That was one fast month. The day seems to be getting shorter and shorter, and the weather changes more frequently than ever (at least in SF). Since the start of the year, I created a new project for myself just to use my new toys more and get…
Tuesday with AMF
A Game of Weights and Balances by stechico. Boy oh boy. Another week, another Tuesday. Since when did my weeks become so long yet so short? Long, in terms that the weekend is a stretch; short, in terms of not getting to do a lot of stuff that I’d want to get done, or started…
Missing Halog
Missing Halog by stechico. It’s been about 5 years to this day since a dear friend passed away. I guess that is why I like to go snowboarding… to remember the good times with him on the mountain, and to just remind myself that Life is short.