Fantasy Basketball Team Alpha
Just had a 14-team fantasy basketball live online draft earlier at 8:45pm. All I can say is that it was pretty darn long w/ 14. 12 would’ve been great.
Bill O’Reilly Meltdown
I was chatting with Mik earlier about setting up a paintball outing at the Jungle sometime in the next couple of weeks when the whole “F**K IT, we’ll do it live” mention came about. Here’s the classic piece that aired a couple of months ago: [youtube]2tJjNVVwRCY[/youtube] What’s even funny is that there’s this video of…
MasterCard “Timeline”
[youtube]IvP3vL8_shI[/youtube] Nicely done. MasterCard spot by MacLaren McCann in Toronto “cuts” through the clutter in the most literal sense of the word because of its focus on the pain, sacrifice and humanity behind every true sports icon. A hockey legend’s many surgical scars from his playing days trace a humbling “timeline” across his skin. At…