Tokyo Rising
Led by Pharrell Williams, the film Tokyo Rising documents the capital of Japan’s innovative and unique approach to culture and the resilience it has shown since the devastating earthquake which took place in March 2011. Life + Times Tokyo Rising [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAA74D2B5F33A84A2[/youtube]
“Rabbits on the Run” Album Cover
Interesting cover art from Vanessa Carlton’s latest album, “Rabbits on the Run”. The illustration on it caught my attention.
“ill-ocano” — An Adobe Illustrator Warmup
I’ve been doing some experimentation with Adobe Edge this past week since it’s preview release on Monday. I figure to have a break, and do some exercises with Adobe Illustrator. Hence, the above: “ill-ocano”. The Ilocano or Ilokano people are the third largest Filipino ethnolinguistic group. Aside from being referred to as Ilocanos, from “i”-from,…
Z-Bar LED Desk Lamp
A couple of weeks back I mentioned the RIMA lamp by Dreipuls. I was kind of bummed as it looks more fashioned towards those with laptops/notebooks. Then I saw the Z-Bar Desk Lamp by Koncept Technologies. Z-Bar Desk Lamp features the award-winning three-bar design for ultimate reach and flexibility. The super-adjustable LED head can spin…
Pitchfork Music Festival iPhone App
Nice Design on this iPhone App for Pitchfork Music Festival 2011. Though I wish there was a link to-the-top on the Info page. But overall, simple, readable and to the point. More screens below.