Love Letter SPAM
Wow, didn’t know those spammers got the Hallmark spirit in them.
The Power of the Babysitter
So, my cousin is on her second year now at UCB. I have been assigned to be the Pacifier and look over her by my aunt. I just want to share how’s it going, and show a little bit of what Jedi power I have. Here’s a little something that just occurred a while ago…
Friday Before Next
I’m just excited about Japan along with other peeps. Less than 4 days to go. I’ve been trying to just be healthy this past week; not to mention, clean up everything in my room so I can pack and just go drive down tomorrow for LA. That, and tie up any loose ends regarding projects…
Mistaken Identity
So, it was a busy Monday morning. Lots of stuff to do and get done before I head on out for LA this upcoming Friday night. Not to mention, what a looong drive it’ll be as I’m going with the one, the only… Ms. Jenn V. (soon to be “G”). Meanwhile Cy IMed me about…
Cat, Kancho and Japan
So, Joemama had to back out of our Japan Discovery Tour in November. However, we were fortunte enough to have Cat come along and join in on the fun. Meanwhile, I guess she was talking to Ryan about it and I guess they had a conversation about “kancho”. She didn’t know what it was… till…