Category: Humanity

  • A Message About the Climate Crisis by Al Gore

    If you aren’t aware about what’s going on with our planet, our home… our Earth, please watch documentary An Inconvenient Truth. Meanwhile, Live Earth was this past weekend. It kicked off a whole campaign to save our planet, the place we live and breath in. Let’s all do our part. It ain’t that hard. PS.…

  • Caught Taking Off My Pants?

    Today started off weird. I was at the bus stop waiting for my bus to go to the City, when I suddenly hear a loud voice coming from behind me: “HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” I was caught off guard as I suddenly turned towards the source. With a quick glance, I suddenly saw this…

  • Post-Graduates and Marathons

    Things that make you go hmmm… Why is this so true with those who are done with their school work. It’s like: Hi Mom! Here’s my diploma. Now, it’s time to run 26 miles. See you in a bit. But yeah, just a thought that came to me like Jerry‘s epiphany. Is it this unspoken…

  • All From the Same Tree

    Just want to share this quote w/ everyone. I found it just browsing a minute ago… Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly…

  • Cut… It… Out

    I thought I have seen everything. I guess not. Seems like a pretty useful tool though. Grab it here from REI.