Web-based DOS
Check this out. A website that emulates DOS via AJAX. Thats cool.
Let it be known that its All Saints Day today. That and I have finally and officially rebooted this blog to another life. Even though there are still some sub-pages being cranked out later down the week, it should be solid enough to get y’all through =)
Free Tech Books
FreeTechBooks.com – Free computer science books and lecture notes. Here’s a great source for your inner-geek. Its FREE and online. Convenient for your wallet, as well as your web-surfing period(s).
Coolest Homepage Ever by Protopage
So what can be the coolest page you have ever been to on the net? Well, its simple. The one that you just created and customized. How you may ask? Why not find out over at Protopage. But what exactly is it? Protopage makes it easier for you to get to your favorite web sites.…
Movable Type 3.2 Free from Beta
OK. So this might sound somewhat geeky but oh-damn-well… this involves technology—a part of me. Anyways, Six Apart’s Jay Allen announced last night that Movable Type 3.2 will be released on 8/25/05 in the AM. That was cool. I mean, for those of you that have been following our blogs (Kelly, Juan, Ryan and I),…