Yourself in Third-Person
Have you ever been in a scenario where you were asked to describe yourself? I think in one occasion or another we’ve all been. Recently, I was asked to do this on a web-form. Mind you, it’s hard for me to do that as I have a hard time talking about myself. I guess I’m…
So What’s New In May?
Hey, hey, hey. May 1st has come and gone and those who have promised themselves to Reboot were either successful, or behind. One of the sites I’m curiously awaiting to check out is Bryan Veloso’s new rendition of AvalonStar.
April Comes with the Shows to Watch
April is here. Jackie Robinson’s 60th Anniversary Tribute is being celebrated throughout the MLB, and a bunch of shows have just (re)released: Entourage De La Hoya/Mayweather 24/7 Heroes The Office My Name is Earl Drive Drive might be great watch as the creator of this show is the same one that did SciFi channel’s Firefly.…
Post-Graduates and Marathons
Things that make you go hmmm… Why is this so true with those who are done with their school work. It’s like: Hi Mom! Here’s my diploma. Now, it’s time to run 26 miles. See you in a bit. But yeah, just a thought that came to me like Jerry‘s epiphany. Is it this unspoken…
Superbowl XLI
Well, it was a great game. It was raining, ball was slippery, and Manning finally got his ring. But what about the last three minutes of the fourth… Why didn’t the Colts kick the ball? For those of us who just had the urge to bet Colts -7 and over 47/47.5/48—that was the big question.…