Tag: news

  • legal guide for bloggers

    first time i ever seen a foundation which is kinda like ACLU, but for us in the virtual world—the internet. for those that really are looking to enlighten themselves with a couple of facts about rights, civil-internet liberties, rules, courtesy, etc., you may read more through the EFF: Legal Guide for Bloggers. knowing such things…

  • An Intel-ligent Apple

    Seems that Apple is going to drop & stop (shut ’em down open up…) using IBM’s PowerPC processors for Intel chips. I Never thought I will see the day were I might actually like an Apple product (other than my iPod Photo). With this scheme, you can dual-boot with either Mac OS or WinXP—pretty sweet…

  • css reboot

    gonna be participating for the first time with the “may 1st reboot”, more specifically… the css reboot initiative

  • can you DIGABLE?

    looks like DP is gonna put some new shows (which i recommend everyone to go to)… let me know if you’re thinking/wanting to roll to one (or a couple). i can just tell you that its more than your money’s worth! ps. here’s the pics from the last DP show @ the el rey theatre…

  • Happy Bdays!

    Happy birthdays to Ms. KJ and Juanathon! Hope/wish you both good times, good health and clean ol’ fun in the years to come.