Google’s Project 10^100
[youtube]NgSRwOZtDQ8[/youtube] Project 10100 is a call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible. Here are the points in order to participate: Submit your ideas by October 20th. You may do so by using this submission form. Voting takes place on January 27, 2009. Google will be picking the top…
Adobe Creative Suite 4
Adobe Creative Suite 4, originally uploaded by stechico. Earlier today, Adobe hosted its special web broadcast entitled, “Something Brilliant”. It was held to introduce to the new Creative Suite 4. Adobe Creative Suite 4 delivers tightly integrated software and services that measurably improve productivity and enable you to produce richly expressive work in print, web,…
Heroes Season 3 is Here
Finally, Heroes is back. Definitely one of my favorite shows of all-time. I saw the “Countdown” show last night. Looking good for Season 3 is what I can say. Anyways, Season 3 episodes starts at 9pm (Pacific). NBC is saying its two back-to-back new episodes. So that should make it from 9pm-11pm; a two-hour season…
Yay Self?!
Twenty-four Cheers, originally uploaded by stechico. Why is it called “Dirty 30s”? Anyone? Anyone? … Bueller? Anyways, here’s what else happened today (September 17) in the history books. PS. Here’s my wishlist for those who are feeling generous =)
Happy Birthday Timi!
Timi & Stitch, originally uploaded by stechico. PS. She does custom knits ranging from beanies to scarves. Click here to visit her Etsy store, aknitimi. PPS. Her store’s slogan “knitted goodies for the tragically hip”… =) awesome copy.