Adobe Creative Suite 4

Adobe Creative Suite 4, originally uploaded by stechico.

Earlier today, Adobe hosted its special web broadcast entitled, “Something Brilliant”. It was held to introduce to the new Creative Suite 4.

Adobe Creative Suite 4 delivers tightly integrated software and services that measurably improve productivity and enable you to produce richly expressive work in print, web, interactive, video, audio, and mobile.

I signed up for the broadcast a week ago but totally couldn’t make it in time as there was traffic heading into the City early this morning. I’ll probably have to just scour search results later for a good write-up/video summary of what’s new and what has been improved. Anyways, that’s a pretty quick period of release since CS3’s announcement in March 27, 2007. Looking forward to it nonetheless.

On a side note, I’m hoping Peachpit Press releases a Photoshop CS4 Wow! Book in the near future. Seeing that they didn’t even release one for CS3, and have a combined version for CS/CS2, this should be a safe bet as much have changed (workflow-wise) from CS2 and onward. Well, I guess that’s wishful thinking at least.

PS. Here’s a visual representation of what to expect per CS4 edition ((If that doesn’t quite do it for you, you may click here to compare the different CS4 editions including pricing.)):