Clearfix Revisited
The new style rules I’m using: .clear:after { content:” “; display:block; height:0; clear:both; visibility:hidden; font-size:0; } .clear { display: inline-block; } /* Hides from IE-mac \*/ * html .clear { height:1%; } .clear { display:block; } /* End hide from IE-mac */ For more information on the update, have a read over at Jeff Starr’s…
So What’s New In May?
Hey, hey, hey. May 1st has come and gone and those who have promised themselves to Reboot were either successful, or behind. One of the sites I’m curiously awaiting to check out is Bryan Veloso’s new rendition of AvalonStar.
CSS Naming Convention for Classes and IDs?
Well, just re-reading some of the current bookmarks in my bag. To note: Tantek’s 8 steps to serving better (X)HTML, and Rundle’s My 5 CSS Tips, step #5 specifically. I am trying to clean up and make things more efficient here at work. One goal would be to have a base CSS that will serve…
Year of the Dog
The Year of the Dog seems to provide a bigger bark. It also provides new opportunities to learn new thing http://www.37signals.com/ buying spree of Web 2.0 app-groups, I just wonder when and if they’ll ever re-align their own site to Web 2.0 standards. One can wish but all can be surprised. I guess that’s what…
Let it be known that its All Saints Day today. That and I have finally and officially rebooted this blog to another life. Even though there are still some sub-pages being cranked out later down the week, it should be solid enough to get y’all through =)