Category: Thoughts

  • case of the mundays

    geez i still have this bronchitis. i guess i haven’t been able to sleep that well, due partly to the freakin’ cough medicine that doc prescribed to me. i guess when i took during the daytime, my “nap times” just became “sleep.” therefore, messing up my daily clock. maaaaaan dang it. well, a lil tangent……

  • quick shout-out and i’m outties to LA

    just want to say happy bday to johnjohn! …and if you guys and gals have time, check out the Rhythm Natives site (phase one of the design). i helped out w/ it…it’s my bro’s band’s site—i’ma try to get hans to have em perform in oktoberfest. aities, i’m jettin’ to LA….peace.

  • the recovery

    well, it’s been quite a while… but i’m back from a hiatus (or however you say/spell it). it’s not fun having to cough all through the night and hoping that it will soon stop, so you can just rest your eyes for the day to come. i guess it was the change of weather that…

  • break

    i’m going to take a rest from bloging for a week or so. i need to take care of this bronchitis; get a job; setup some websites; and oh yah, get rent money… be back in a few…for now, enjoy the circus… look at my friends’ websites =) ps. belated happy bday to mr. romeo…

  • the breakfast of champions!

    deciding to wake up really early today… (well, due to the fact that my internal time clock has been messed up due to consumptions of codeine the past days) … i went hunting at the fridge for some breakfast. i guess the anxiety that i felt before i got up at 7am this morning was…