Brilliant! Guinness Beer Commercial
[youtube]BrSSSfYE2dQ[/youtube] Sex sells “.” (period)
The Ultimate World of Warcraft Gamer
Wowsa! I must say this guy is hardcore. To mostly everyone, they’d say he is “nuts”. Going under the moniker “Prepared” in WoW, he has 36-characters and plays them on 11 computers all at once. Dude pays about $5,700+ per year to keep all of his squad. He’s pretty much his own clan. Anyways, damn……
Wedding Blunder – Best Man Fails
With all the weddings that I have been going to lately, I just wish I don’t see this: [youtube]mqKWay-_3bk[/youtube] The groom should’ve just jumped in after the bride and the priest, and have everyone else jump in the pool to make the most of it. That would’ve been dope, funny and memorable. The bride could…
Slow Motion Punches to The Face
[vimeo]1469508[/vimeo] Punches by Action Figure. Very interesting and humorous. Background song is “Sweaty (Shazam Remix)” by Muscles.
ABC Refuse to Run Repower American Ad
After the presidential debate last night, most high profile channels ran ads from oil companies (ABC had Chevron, CBS had Exxon, and CNN had the coal lobby). Noticing that there’s something a bit off, the We Campaign ((The We Campaign is a project of The Alliance for Climate Protection—a nonprofit, nonpartisan effort founded by Nobel…