With the news of President-elect Barack Obama winning sweeping the World, most of the big news sites out on the net have updated their homepages. Mentioning that, it is still surprising to me (at the time of this posting) that WhiteHouse.gov still has no mention of “Obama” ANYWHERE?!?!
Anyways, here are the ones that I really dug below. You may click on the thumbnails to view a larger version.
Change has come to America (CNN)
Obama Wins – “That is the true genius of America — that America can change” (LA Times)
“All Things are Possible” (MSNBC)
Obama: Racial Barrier Falls as Voters Embrace Call for Change (NY Times)
Nation Finally Shitty Enough to Make Social Progress (The Onion)
Propelled by Internet, Barack Obama Wins Presidency (Wired)
Here are the rest that were also mentionable: