Tag: barack obama

  • Barack Obama’s Presidential Inauguration

    Hulu will be streaming the Inauguration live here. Update Here’s the updated Hulu link for President Obama’s Inauguration Speech.

  • Filipino Obama

    Alright, if you have said “WTF” to yourself right away—you aren’t alone. I decided to post this as it has been going around via various email lists. I don’t know how to react to this but damn, you have to admit its funny and he does a good job as a look-alike of President-elect Obama.…

  • Obama, “Son of the Soil”

    I was just browsing for some news before heading to bed, and found some more Obama celebration photos from across the World. Here are some that I found very meaningful personally—specially the first one below:

  • Shepard Fairey / Obey Giant Obama Campaign Posters

    Shepard Fairey (“Obey Giant“) and the Obama Hope image was featured Wednesday night on CBS News with Katie Couric. Here’s the segment. [youtube]1q_tFP0j9C4[/youtube] Here’s the infamous HOPE image (aka. “Obama is Hope”), along with others that Fairey created before (and after) the historic election day this past Tuesday, November 4, 2008:

  • President Obama and News Headlines Online

    With the news of President-elect Barack Obama winning sweeping the World, most of the big news sites out on the net have updated their homepages. Mentioning that, it is still surprising to me (at the time of this posting) that WhiteHouse.gov still has no mention of “Obama” ANYWHERE?!?! Anyways, here are the ones that I…