Drake – So Far Gone


Can’t believe I forgot to post about this a while back. Anyways, in case you guys are just hearing gold now on your local radio stations, here’s Drake’s “So Far Gone” mixtape… ((As I posted in March. Don’t sleep on it!))

Download via:


Track listing:

  1. Lust For Life
  2. Houstatlantavegas
  3. Successful f. Trey Songz & Lil Wayne
  4. Lets Call It Off f. Peter Bjorn & John
  5. November 18th
  6. Ignant Shit f. Lil Wayne
  7. A Night Off f. Lloyd
  8. Say Whats Real
  9. Little Bit f. Lykke Li
  10. Best I Ever Had
  11. Unstoppable f. Santogold & Lil Wayne
  12. Uptown f. Bun B & Lil Wayne
  13. Sooner Than Later
  14. Bria’s Interlude f. Omarion
  15. The Calm
  16. Outro
  17. Brand New

If you would like to get Drake’s past mixtapes, you may grab the link over at Okayplayer’s 2dopeboyz’ blog.

P.S. Since its debut in February, there has been some dope remixes and covers of “Best I Ever Had”. Check out this one by JR Aquino:


You can download his cover directly here (.MP3).

Since signing with Lil Wayne’s Young Money (a la Universal), Drake et al. has disabled So Far Gone downloads via links above. Sorry. Told you to copy it while its available for free =|