I had a small project that asked for a URL and a pixel-image to be tracked. Another requirement was to replace a certain string in it with a timestamp of some sort.
I opted to using the following to get the timestamp:
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
getTime() – Will print out the number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970 @ 12:00 AM.
The links, both for href (A-tag) and src (IMG-tag), will be in some type of the following format:
Knowing this, we just have to identify which anchors (A-tags) and images would need to be tracked, and timestamped accordingly. I just tagged these with a class called “tracking“. Now that this is set, we can just use the $ function to gather up the elements that needed to be tracked.
I just then used the following function replaceAttr to switch out the attribute with the generated timestamp: ((It seems that someone else were in need of this function. Here’s the page for reference.))
jQuery.fn.replaceAttr = function(aName, rxString, repString) {
return this.attr(
function() {
return jQuery(this).attr(aName).replace(rxString, repString);
With that, I just inserted the following in a JS file:
$(function() {
$("a.tracking").each(function() {
return $(this).replaceAttr('href', '[timestamp]', timestamp);
$("img.tracking").each(function() {
$(this).replaceAttr('src', '[timestamp]', timestamp);
When the document is loaded, this will replace the respective links and pixel-images with a timestamp.