Flickr Yahoos!

Signin to Flickr using Yahoo account

Stewart Butterfield, one of the smart people from Flickr, announced early this morning that you can now sign-in and have the option to integrate your Yahoo! account with Flickr. This is great stuff for those with Yahoo! accounts in that they don’t have to remember another login, for those that do that kind of stuff anyways. The only downside, a temporary one, was that for people using third-party Flickr API-based programs (like myself) have to wait for the developers to update them with the new authentication API.

The program that I use a lot would have to be by Jon Gilkison called FlickrImportr. I use it to do my uploads and set management. I would say that its 10x better than Flickr’s own Uploadr tool, at the moment.

Meanwhile, as I keep saying, if you blog and recently start taking more and more pics with your digital camera (point-and-shoot, phone and/or dSLR)… then Flickr is the way to go. Not to mention the great community that it has. If you ain’t sold, then check out the quality of pics Flickr photographers take via the Explore page.

Anyways, good morning and go Flickr!

PS. I wonder if Flickr would be adding that damn exclamation mark like Yahoo!’s. Looking at it, it’ll be hard to be grammatically correct when you write about Flickr, specifically when you describe something from Flickr like Flickr!’s website… its just plain wrong but so right with the current news. I need to wake up. Sorry for the nonsense early in the morning. Good times =)