Four for Fighting

This week has gone by fast. The usual twelve hours I spend for work makes it go by quick. To top it off, the extra three hours I put on top of Thursday nights makes that particular day very long for me. All in all, I’m greatful to be doing something than nothing.

After just getting back this past weekend’s LV trip for Tony, I was so looking forward to seeing how the pictures turned out. I was surprised how some of em turned out, especially the ones taken besides the window. It was so hard to take those pics because the reflection that the glass does.

Speaking of reflection, it goes to show that things we think we know aren’t always true. Everyday I wake up trying to do things right, as well as do the right things, there seems to be some forces out there that can’t be controlled that causes particular situations to have some vices in them. That is, hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil. Its like stuff that you wish you just weren’t told about, or just don’t like to see amongst those close to you, that you don’t want to keep coming up ever so often. Yah, I know, kind of confusing because of such a mentality that I have to see each and everyone in good light. Not talking smack or bad about someone or things, I just hate it when people do it. If you know what I mean, please-please let me know. If you don’t, let me know as well.

Besides these internal reflections, there are also good things that were visible externally. Lately, I’ve been inquiring friends and family about some names I’d like to use for my, this, blog’s domain name. As you can tell, or if you have been following this blog’s journey, it has gone from something that I started because of leisure in college to something that gives you a closer look at things I reflect upon that changes/affects me in some way. A manual to understanding a piece of me. Something that I just haven’t shared with someone close in a while—but something that I don’t mind spilling to the world (wide web). Yah, pretty weird… I know.

Sometimes, its these kind of things that just intrigues me to write as if I were speaking to “anonymous”. Someone that hasn’t gotten to know me—or maybe I’m just writing to me. Or maybe its a reflection to emote what I’ve been feeling for something that I haven’t just gotten to say, at at particular moment. Or, maybe its just the lack of sleep that causes me to think to deeply in the meaning of life—or particularly, my life. Who knows? (A-Dee-Doo…)

So yah, other than that, things are gravy with life lately. Seeing old friends and meeting new ones is the current trend. Something I hope that keeps it self up as it is good (like chicken soup) for the soul.

Meanwhile, in other sporting news, Lance (my housemate) and I went to this Alameda pick-up softball thing on Saturday noons. We were about thirty minutes late, and gotten there when they were already at the bottom of the second inning. There were about a fluctuation of 30-40 people throughout the afternoon. We got to pick-up the second game after a couple of BP (batting-practice) at the opposite field.

I was so stoked to play a game of softball as its been a while. I think the last time was with Blueballs in the summer of ’03, the last time TJM (Tony, Julie and Marley) were here (or at Irvine). So yah, I did pretty well the whole game. Batted 4 for 4, 3 singles (1 opposite field), 1 triple and 2 RBIs.

It was a great game played as it was neck to neck up in the bottom of the 7th, 22-21. It was were I hit that triple to right-center. As I got to third base, waiting to get the run to tie the game, I felt good all-in-all and not so worried about the tremendous heat that was so weird to be felt in Alameda; it was prolly 87, 90 at one time, for the three hours we were there.

Meanwhile, as my teammate went up to bat, he fly-ed out deep to right enough for me to get a chance to tag up and get the tieing run in. So POP goes the ball, the catch made and me chugging it for the home. In a moment, I felt so good to tieing the throw—it was really close. But as you know ties goes to the runner, so I felt like the hero for the day.

Little did I know, it was “softball”… I stepped on the wrong, damn home-plate! I was suppose to step on the “safe” home-plate, the one that was usually orange to cause no harm to the catcher (and can also be seen at first, to protect the first baseman). So damn it, I let the team down—I hate that feeling cause I always like to give for the common good. Oh well, my highlight of the weekend. That and freakin’ getting a $40 parking ticket (street cleaning 2AM-4AM at 2nd and Mission) after going out last night in the city—damn it. WOES IS ME.

From my mind to yours, wear a helmet. Because you’ll never know what Life will throw at you. Just gotta be ready for the bumps, the highs and the lows.