Tony’s Video Tribute
Ces happen to forward me a link to a Youtube generated video tribute of Tony for playing for Alaska’s Milkmen in the PBA. It’s just weird watching it, at least for me. I was just cracking up in most cases. Here it is: [youtube]rEPYT_qvU1Y[/youtube]
Converse – My Drive Thru
In celebration of its 100 years, 3 artists (Santogold, Julian Casablancas, and N.E.R.D) came to make a dope track entitled “My Drive Thru” (produced by Pharrell Williams). You may download the song in MP3 format by going to Converse’s site. PS. Make sure to check out the video too (also available on Converse site).
Earl the Super Hawaiian
[youtube]4wNOldqgBh8[/youtube] Awesome. I was watching Wipeout and I Survived a Japanese Game Show last night when the Super Hawaiian – Round Table Pizza Ad came. To my surprise, it’s freakin’ the homie Earl from UC Irvine haha. I was trying to confirm to see if its really him and luckily found the video above at…
A Membership to the Jedi Gym
Inspiration – Nikki Jean, The Cool
Want inspiration? Check this personal video from Nikki Jean hearing her dreams come true. Now that’s Real. [youtube]GVI9oPzmWH4[/youtube] Update Here’s how Nikki Jean met Lupe (as posted on her Youtube vlog 2008-10-17).