Tag: TV

  • SNL: The Japanese Office

    Comedy is just universal when done right. Here’s a clip from SNL w/ Ricky Gervais presenting “the inspiration for The Office“:

  • SNL: Iran So Far + Kanye West

    Props to Andy Samberg and Adam Levine (Maroon 5) and their serenade to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Thanks for the laugh. Oh, props to Fred Armisen too as he played the President haha =D PS. Here’s another cool, funny skit with Mr. West…

  • Flash… Aaa-ahhh!

    Oh schnaps?!?! It seems that the SciFi Channel will be delivering a new series—Flash Gordon. The first episode will air this Friday, August 10th. I need to check out the original flick. All I can remember is that damn theme song =)

  • TGIF from a 4-day Week

    glumbert – Japanese Tetris

  • April Comes with the Shows to Watch

    April is here. Jackie Robinson’s 60th Anniversary Tribute is being celebrated throughout the MLB, and a bunch of shows have just (re)released: Entourage De La Hoya/Mayweather 24/7 Heroes The Office My Name is Earl Drive Drive might be great watch as the creator of this show is the same one that did SciFi channel’s Firefly.…