foot locker 30% family & friends sale
thursday, june 5 … to sunday, june 8 more info here
News On the 10 After 4:20
Well, I finally got started putting together a resume/portfolio site (somewhat). You can take a look at it at sherwintechico.com. Big-ups to James for the inspiration haha. Let me know, if all the links work, and if the navigation can be improved in what parts; I’m still adding stuff to it constantly—so it will never…
sneak preview of…
the italian job… phat movie! just saw it at the spectrum. i was going to go watch bruce almighty at 2:45pm-ish but it was sold-out till 4:45pm across the street. so i just decided to chill out and eat at oscar’s w/ G—they have the best breadsticks ever. anyways, go see the italian job when…
quick shout-out and i’m outties to LA
just want to say happy bday to johnjohn! …and if you guys and gals have time, check out the Rhythm Natives site (phase one of the design). i helped out w/ it…it’s my bro’s band’s site—i’ma try to get hans to have em perform in oktoberfest. aities, i’m jettin’ to LA….peace.
i’m going to take a rest from bloging for a week or so. i need to take care of this bronchitis; get a job; setup some websites; and oh yah, get rent money… be back in a few…for now, enjoy the circus… look at my friends’ websites =) ps. belated happy bday to mr. romeo…