Who Said Yahoo Doesn’t Share for Free?
Just last week, pre-Valentine’s Day, Yahoo! shows it love to the public by launching User Interface Library and Design Patterns Library. Not to mention, the crazy cats over at the Yahoo! UI department have started a blog as well. Dang, they seem to be grinding and sharing great tools with everyone. I like that. You…
The New Canon 30D
As I was doing my late-night news roundup, I stumbled upon some interesting new Web 2.0 apps. The top two that are on my list to beta-test are Foldera and Flyspy. I can’t wait to see how Foldera works, it seems that it’ll be useful at work and at home. As for Flyspy, this thing…
Happy Valentine’s Day!
It’s the Thought that Counts by stechico.
R.I.P. J. Dilla
From okayplayer.com: This is an extemely sad day. We have lost one of the greatest producers of all time, period. That fact is not even up for debate. For us fans and for those that were lucky enough to know Dilla, this is a tough pill to swallow. What makes it worse is knowing that…
Happy Birthday Ces!
May fortune (cookie) go your way, everyday! =)