Happy Birthday Jenn!
Flagr Goes Live!
I just received an email from the friendly peeps of Flagr with great news that they just went Live! This might be a promising piece of cookie. Go check ’em out. Signup for an account over at: http://www.flagr.com/account/sign_up Some info about Flagr from Techcrunch’s writeup: Flagr was founded by Matt Colyer, David Wurtz adn Cole…
Disneyland Half Marathon
It seems that marathons are the craze for post-graduates. Being that it’ll be the first time in Disneyland, and happens to hit mine and Hans’ DOB, figured might as well spend the “new year” there. I’ve sent out a couple of evites. For those that got it, spread the word. For those that didn’t, sorry……
Veerle Got a New Groove
Awesomeness is probably the word that I can describe Veerle Pieters‘ redesigned blog. I found a reference to the news via Bryan Veloso‘s “resignation“. Mothafreakers… I usually head over to Veerle’s for some illustration tutorials and ideas, but oh-my-gosh-o-golly, she trully has raised the bar another notch (or two or three).
Box.net Relaunches
I was fortunate enough to get invited by Aaron Levie to test Box.net‘s “Early Adaptor Preview” this past weekend. I couldn’t blurt anything till after the 22nd about it. But yah, I almost forgot as I’ve been busy enjoying my Monday off from work. Anyways, so far so good. Here’s a couple of my findings…