remember when movie tickets were cheap?
i just noticed that my friends and i have gone to at least one movie per week. the funny thing is… we used to freakin’ lash out on the movie ticket price. i guess it’s different when you have an actual job. it’s not that you have the money to afford it, but its more…
What is… The Matrix?
waking up damn early with nothing to do but design and do some layouts for the ecommerce site—my brain had a mental block. i guess i need food or something, that—and jump start my brain. so what did i decide to do, well this. you might say to yourself, “the matrix is a nerd movie”……
Best Pick-up Line Ever
Gib: You know, I’ve never met anyone like you before. Usually when I meet someone new I feel awkward and shy. But with you it’s different. I can talk to you. You know what I’m thinking without my having to explain to you in fancy terms. We speak each other’s unspoken language… fluently. I love…