Tag: iphone

  • Mafia Wars for iPhone

    If you are looking for a new, free iPhone game, check out Mafia Wars by Zynga. It is also available on other platforms (i.e. Facebook, My Yahoo!, and MySpace) but I have only played it on the iPhone with some persuasion. It seems to have a pretty big following and a compilation of strategy guides…

  • A Longer Walk on Google Maps

    It was cool to find out that Apple released an update to iPhone 2.2 today. After going through the process, I couldn’t wait to try out the new features—specially the ones involving Google Maps. They were: Street View, and public transit & walking directions. Things were fine when all of a sudden… a “things that…

  • iPhone Ocarina

    When you hear the word “ocarina”, what do you think of? Well, for me, the first thing that came to mind is The Legend of Zelda. Though I haven’t played the 1999 Game of the Year, I still hear that memorable tune/soundtrack playing in my head when I think of Zelda. Upon hearing that someone…

  • Parra x Incase – iPhone 3G Slider Case

    Dutch artist’ Parra adds some colors to the infamous Incase iPhone 3G Slider Case. Why “infamous”? Because I wrote about a while back in August before getting one for myself. All I can say is that it has served me well, and has lived up to the hype that it brought ever since coming out…

  • Brightkite iPhone App

    Brightkite recently announced it’s iPhone App coming to the iTunes App Store soon. Here’s the video demo of the application: [vimeo]1984673[/vimeo] I have been using Brightkite along with Twitter for couple of months now since James has invited me to the service. It’s a darn impressive social networking application that uses Yahoo’s Fire Eagle which…