Tag: Design

  • First Posters & Trailer for Snow White and The Huntsman

    First Posters & Trailer for Snow White and The Huntsman

    It seems Universal recently released new onesheets/posters and a trailer for Snow White and The Huntsman. Here is the trailer. [youtube]jFbHYUqeQjA[/youtube]

  • City Transit Line Posters

    City Transit Line Posters

    In the celebration of design and representing the city you love and/or have affinity for, here are some city transit line posters designed by the duo: Cayla Ferari (graphic designer) and John Breznicky (engineer).

  • The Hunger Games Characater Movie Posters

    The Hunger Games Characater Movie Posters

    Seems the marketing heads of The Hunger Games movie distributed these new posters to 8 high-traffic entertainment sites: Yahoo! Movies, Hollywood Crush, Moviefone, The Hit List, Inside Movies, IGN Movies, teen.com, and Fandango. One character movie poster per site. Here they are for one easier viewing…

  • Of Occupy Wall Street, Art and Design

    Of Occupy Wall Street, Art and Design

    The top news for the past couple of days has been Steve Jobs’ passing away, and the #OccupyWallStreet movement. The movement started September 17th and is still going on. There’s been coverage about it but one can tell that its not the full-coverage that we are all receiving. Though, that is a story for another…

  • Album Art Featuring an Animal’s Head Shot

    Album Art Featuring an Animal’s Head Shot

    While perusing Spotify’s “What’s New” section, I noticed the following albums using an animal pretty much as its album art cover.