First Posters & Trailer for Snow White and The Huntsman
It seems Universal recently released new onesheets/posters and a trailer for Snow White and The Huntsman. Here is the trailer. [youtube]jFbHYUqeQjA[/youtube]
City Transit Line Posters
In the celebration of design and representing the city you love and/or have affinity for, here are some city transit line posters designed by the duo: Cayla Ferari (graphic designer) and John Breznicky (engineer).
The Hunger Games Characater Movie Posters
Seems the marketing heads of The Hunger Games movie distributed these new posters to 8 high-traffic entertainment sites: Yahoo! Movies, Hollywood Crush, Moviefone, The Hit List, Inside Movies, IGN Movies, teen.com, and Fandango. One character movie poster per site. Here they are for one easier viewing…
Of Occupy Wall Street, Art and Design
The top news for the past couple of days has been Steve Jobs’ passing away, and the #OccupyWallStreet movement. The movement started September 17th and is still going on. There’s been coverage about it but one can tell that its not the full-coverage that we are all receiving. Though, that is a story for another…
Album Art Featuring an Animal’s Head Shot
While perusing Spotify’s “What’s New” section, I noticed the following albums using an animal pretty much as its album art cover.