Tag: baseball

  • Lids’ Twisted Collection

    I got the word from Lance earlier this week about Lids Twisted collection of hats. It’s mostly for MLB teams which have “twisted” color-schemes. For example, a NY Yankees’ cap but with Boster Red Sox colors. But yeah, pretty cool collection. I was thinking of getting one from them. It might be the only way…

  • Pitcher Gets Hit by a Foul Ball?

    So I just got home from a flight from SWA—I’m in LA now. As I’m trying to setup my Fantasy Baseball lineup for Saturday, I came across one of my pitchers’ news tidbit. It was for Germano; a Padres pitcher. Keep in mind, I haven’t seen ESPN or any sports news yet… Jun 8 San…

  • April Comes with the Shows to Watch

    April is here. Jackie Robinson’s 60th Anniversary Tribute is being celebrated throughout the MLB, and a bunch of shows have just (re)released: Entourage De La Hoya/Mayweather 24/7 Heroes The Office My Name is Earl Drive Drive might be great watch as the creator of this show is the same one that did SciFi channel’s Firefly.…

  • R.I.P. Cory Lidle

    This was just shocking to see. I was out at lunch visiting Wells Fargo when CNN came on regarding it. At first, I thought it was just a normal plane crash; after, of course, CNN stating that it wasn’t a terrorist attack of any kind. Then, they updated with the headline that the plane was…

  • Company SF Giants Gameday

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