Lids’ Twisted Collection
I got the word from Lance earlier this week about Lids Twisted collection of hats. It’s mostly for MLB teams which have “twisted” color-schemes. For example, a NY Yankees’ cap but with Boster Red Sox colors. But yeah, pretty cool collection. I was thinking of getting one from them. It might be the only way…
Pitcher Gets Hit by a Foul Ball?
So I just got home from a flight from SWA—I’m in LA now. As I’m trying to setup my Fantasy Baseball lineup for Saturday, I came across one of my pitchers’ news tidbit. It was for Germano; a Padres pitcher. Keep in mind, I haven’t seen ESPN or any sports news yet… Jun 8 San…
April Comes with the Shows to Watch
April is here. Jackie Robinson’s 60th Anniversary Tribute is being celebrated throughout the MLB, and a bunch of shows have just (re)released: Entourage De La Hoya/Mayweather 24/7 Heroes The Office My Name is Earl Drive Drive might be great watch as the creator of this show is the same one that did SciFi channel’s Firefly.…
R.I.P. Cory Lidle
This was just shocking to see. I was out at lunch visiting Wells Fargo when CNN came on regarding it. At first, I thought it was just a normal plane crash; after, of course, CNN stating that it wasn’t a terrorist attack of any kind. Then, they updated with the headline that the plane was…
Company SF Giants Gameday
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