Category: Thoughts

  • #1 Adult Sexual Health Terms Advisor

  • umph

    mad about ME?!

  • mellow thursday

    for the past few nights i have been sleeping kinda late. i guess it is due to a couple of reasons. one, i ain’t got a job. i’m kinda stressin’ already on whom/how to ask for next month’s rent and utility payments. another thing is—i ain’t got no money. i really don’t like that idea…

  • on the hunt

    damn, after doing well in that ICS class during the summer. it was time to search for that career job…almost two months later—i’m still here, jobless and still pondering if i should just be a photographer for playboy. i have a digital camera and know how to use it, all i need are ladies willing…

  • another VISA moment

    HAHA…this was in the AIM profile of a friend: 4 Tickets to the ALDS: $200, 3 Tickets to the ALCS: $175, 3 Tickets to the World Series: $760. Seeing Dusty Baker’s kid cry like a little bitch: PRICELESS