Category: Thoughts

  • yayer trip feedback

    just got back from the yay… first timer riding the BART…almost got lost. but found my way, since there’s only two directions (i think). weird thing was—train was clean as a mofo… i rather ride that than LA RTD. oh well, we’ll see how the offers are… untill then. i’m freelancing. pass the word (is…

  • The Job Hunt

    A new year, and still new opportunities to be made. Well yah… spoke w/ (a company), based at Downtown SF (market st. & stockton st.). i guess theyre gonna fly me up there for a day to interview with the gang. Also met with an interactive agency based in LA (La Brea/Beverly), Mach18.…

  • hearts day

    happy valentine’s day everyone. just dont eat tooooo much chocolate.

  • Gmail invites, who wants em’?

    just received a couple more Gmail invites (e.g. 50!!!) let me know if you’d like to get it.

  • the flood

    you guys ever had that episode were the old dishwasher just turns to crap, and … yah…