Category: Technology

  • Movable Type 3.2 Free from Beta

    OK. So this might sound somewhat geeky but oh-damn-well… this involves technology—a part of me. Anyways, Six Apart’s Jay Allen announced last night that Movable Type 3.2 will be released on 8/25/05 in the AM. That was cool. I mean, for those of you that have been following our blogs (Kelly, Juan, Ryan and I),…

  • Join Blingo Friends With Me

    Blingo is a new search engine that gives away prizes every day like Sony PlayStation Portables, Apple iPods, Visa gift cards, a year of free movies at Blockbuster Online, and more. By joining Blingo Friends you can invite your friends to use Blingo, and when one of them wins a prize you win the same…

  • An Intel-ligent Apple

    Seems that Apple is going to drop & stop (shut ’em down open up…) using IBM’s PowerPC processors for Intel chips. I Never thought I will see the day were I might actually like an Apple product (other than my iPod Photo). With this scheme, you can dual-boot with either Mac OS or WinXP—pretty sweet…

  • CES 2005

    Ever wonder what kind of gadgets are coming up for the new year? Well, click here for a preview from CES (Consumer Electronic Show).

  • My First Blog Entry (by
