Box.net Relaunches
I was fortunate enough to get invited by Aaron Levie to test Box.net‘s “Early Adaptor Preview” this past weekend. I couldn’t blurt anything till after the 22nd about it. But yah, I almost forgot as I’ve been busy enjoying my Monday off from work. Anyways, so far so good. Here’s a couple of my findings…
Year of the Dog
The Year of the Dog seems to provide a bigger bark. It also provides new opportunities to learn new thing http://www.37signals.com/ buying spree of Web 2.0 app-groups, I just wonder when and if they’ll ever re-align their own site to Web 2.0 standards. One can wish but all can be surprised. I guess that’s what…
Logo A La 2.0
LOGO2.0_2 by Stabilo Boss. Talk about dedication from Ludwig Gatzke, a collection of “Web 2.0” startups/companies. It’s just amazing to see how a couple of companies made it through the dot-com bubble burst. Meanwhile, while sifting through the vibrant collection, I was ported over to PXN8. PXN8 is an online image editor with a user…
Was I Right or Was I Right?!
Oh man, I forgot I wrote this this past December 14 after hearing great news on 37signals’ new product, Campfire. Sweetness! =p Speaking of predictions and the new year, I wonder how new products such as Microsoft‘s Expression, Kaboodle and Krugle do. It’s only February and new start-ups are popping out everywhere. I guess we’ll…
Web 2.0 and the Super Bowl
Oh the things you find while Blingo-ing. Since it’s that time of year again for the Super Bowl, with it comes: the backyard-BBQ parties, the trash-talking between teams, the millions-of-dollars-worth of bets, funny & creative commercials and last but not least, the office Super Bowl Pool. A couple of friends and I have been doing…