Category: Technology

  • ExpressCard Media Card Reader for MacBook Pro

    I recently purchased this from eBay: adapterbest. Works pretty good. This thing is tiny. I almost forgot what I purchased as the package that came from HK was pretty small. Here are some specs: Support ExpressCard/34 and ExpressCard/54 slot Support SDHC format Support multiple flash cards: Without adapter: SDHC, SD, MMC, MMCplus, M.S., M.S. PRO…

  • iPhone 3G SMS Text Not Working

    After 7-hours of hard work (standing in-line and being back at my pad from Apple Store Emeryville), the SMS Texting feature on my iPhone 3G doesn’t seem to work. At first, I thought it was an iPhone 3G issue. Since opening the box, and activating ate with Genius Hugh’s help, it hasn’t been shutdown at…

  • MacBook/Pro – Disable Wake on Lid Open

    It seems like the current Software Update nullified my tweak (YMMV). I think this might be helpful as most of the results showed only how to “disable sleep when the lid is closed” vs. disabling wake on lid open. Anyways, to do so, do the following in your Terminal (Application > Utilities > Check…

  • Skitch’in It

    I finally got to check out what all the talk is about with Skitch. + Skitch = fast and fun image sharing. is a webservice that works hand in hand with our application Skitch to give you 1-click uploading of images for fast and fun image sharing. Currently, I use Paparazzi to take…

  • Upgraded to Movable Type 4

    Sweet. Wasn’t too hard. I just hope that the plugins for it (from version 3.2) are still working. Please do let me know if you find any problems on the site. PS. WordPress 2.5 is looking good though… we’ll see.