Category: Entertainment

  • I’m With Coco!

    What is this all about? Have a read/view here. Official site:

  • A Decade of Flying Lotus

    Here’s something that dropped over Christmas Day. Something that would leave you quenching for more eargasm—10 years of Flying Lotus mixed by LA’s own Gaslamp Killer. Direct download link here (MP3, 89.79MB). Enjoy! Source Brainfeeder.

  • Marge Simpson on Playboy

    Hilarious. This for sure will be a collector’s item. I think I’ma pick up a couple and lock ’em down. Get notified when it goes out on public here (SFW but it’ll have “” on the domain logs haha). Source via LA Times.

  • London to Paris

    I haven’t traveled from London to Paris straight, but did oversleep and miss a tour coach along with my roommate this past March (too much exploring/partying I guess, and lack of sleep). We hopped on the Eurostar bullet train to try and catch the rest of the Contiki group at the London Pub, but were…

  • Freebord’s Downhill Neon Video Game

    Pretty cool Freebord viral. 36 Freeborders took over an SF street at night to create a Tetris-like game using neon-lit puzzle pieces. Check it out here. [youtube]Fwvc6fmXmuY[/youtube]