1434, originally uploaded by stechico. Via DROPCLOCK by tha ltd.
Regarding IE6
This artwork by John Martz pretty much explains what most of us feel towards IE6—specially those in Web Design/Development.
Team Fortress 2 Sniper vs. Spy Updates
Digging the “Sniper vs. Spy” update pages by Valve for their product Team Fortress 2. Check ’em out:
6emeia Project
Cool, very intriguing street art project based in Brasil.
oki-ni Design Competition
As part of the next phase in the evolution of oki-ni (and to make sure that we keep the opinions of our customers at the forefront of what we’re doing), oki-ni.com are launching a worldwide competition. We’re looking for someone to design a logo that captures the essence of oki-ni.com in any way, shape or…