The 70-200 Conversation

So, I haven’t done one of these in a while. I was conversing with Juan about what gear to pack for my Big Island trip next week. Coming up with at least these:

  • 20D + SD400
  • 17-35/2.8-4
  • 28-75/2.8
  • batteries + chargers

He then suggested to bring the 70-200 as well. Now, for those non-shutterbug geeks, this lens is huge and heavy but it packs a wallop.

Anyways, here’s how it ended:

juan: (-) additional weight w/ the above pack
juan: ?!?!?!?!?!?
juan: what good is working out if you can’t carry an extra 10 pounds?!
juan: wuss
juan: I’ll fight you
*** “juan” signed off at Wed Jul 26 00:39:08 2006.

Oh man, that cracks me up HA! This guy keeps it real =p