There are times when one must step up to the plate. This can be one of those times… I think(?) haha =)
First of all excuse the noob video editing skillz—this is the first time I played around iMovie ’09 (iMovie in general). The clear water below do tricks to the mind, at least it did to me as you can tell.
As you’ll see (and maybe hear) on the First "Jump", I totally wasn’t expecting to be off course lol. As for the Second "Jump"—I just wanted to go down quick and get it over with… though I did it “normally” and not too loud this time =)
Good times! Thanks to Keno and Lou for jumping off with me. And to those at the Beach filming and watching, I hope you guys had a good laugh haha. Till next time, I need to practice =p
@ Black Rock. Ka’anapali, Maui, HI.