Tag: laws

  • We’re Just Human

    I see this “Anti-Discrimination Bill” being talked about earlier in the news here in the PI, I say cool. At the same time, question: “It’s 2012? Is this just another act of politicking? Etc.” I wondered why this isn’t already inclusive; as part of the PI’s Bill of Rights (Article 3)? A quick research of…

  • MSNBC Keith Olbermann on California’s Prop. 8

    [youtube]cVUecPhQPqY[/youtube] Some takeaways from Olbermann’s Special Comment on California’s Prop. 8: “What is it to you?” “They want what you want.” “Spread happiness.” “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you ((The Golden Rule. Also known as the Ethic of Reciprocity.)).”