Printable Political Halloween Masks
In celebration of Halloween, You the Designer and UPrinting.com have created 4 political masks just in time for Friday night fun! These fun political mask designs can be easily printed and cut out so you can support or make fun of your favorite political star! Here’s a preview: Click on the candidate’s name below to…
Obama’s Loss Traced – Viral Video
“Single Nonvoter Tipped Election To McCain-Palin Ticket” Freakin’ hilarious. Hats off to MoveOn.org for sponsoring this viral. I think its well done and does what it needs to do—it makes you laugh, think and hopefully GO VOTE! You may customize the video for yourself and your friends by visiting cnnbcvideo.com.
Knock-off Clothing Fall 2008 Quickstrike
These election hype shirts from Knock-off Clothing are pretty cool. Want to see more? Then head over to Tcritic for more t-shirt designs “inspired by Barack Obama” =)
Sarah Silverman and The Great Schlep
[vimeo]1808434[/vimeo] Sarah Silverman wants Jews to get their butts down to Florida for The Great Schlep. She’s hilarious. The video is pretty much pro-Obama, but worth the watch whether you are for him or McCain. The campaign was paid for by the Jewish Council for Education and Research, www.jcer.info. Awesome right? =) The whole bit…