Tag: Entertainment

  • My Bare Lady

    I was browsing Hulu trying to see what new shows they have added to their library—when I found this series, My Bare Lady. Things heat up when four American adult film stars are sent to London’s most prestigious theatrical school to prove they can really act. When the curtain goes up, someone’s going down. When…

  • Secret Mark Throwing Star Magnets

    Secret Mark Throwing Star Magnets

    Horry crap! These are dope. Check out these throwing star magnets made by Core77. They’re only $19 but Epaulet currently have them back ordered till January 15th, 2009—that sucks. These would’ve been dope gifts. I know a couple of people who would’ve loved these for sure *cough*Lou*cough*.

  • Apple iPod Touch Ad Breaks Yahoo! Games

    Check out this very creative Apple iPod Touch ad which appears to be “breaking” the Yahoo! Games homepage. Note: The music is by The Asteroid Galaxy Tour, titled “Around The Bend“. PS. This is the second Flash ad that I can recall doing this “break” concept. The first one I saw to successfully fool me…

  • Inspirational Speeches

    These are for the moments that you doubt yourself… the times when you need an extra push… the occasions were you are on the fence and just need that extra umph to help you take the next step over… Here it is, inspirational speeches under 2-minutes. [youtube]d6wRkzCW5qI[/youtube]

  • Lily Allen – The Fear Music Video

    It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything about Lily Allen. Therefore, to solve that dilemma, here is her latest music video for her latest single, “The Fear” ((This is will be in Lily Allen’s forthcoming album “It’s Not Me, It’s You”, supposedly out February 9th, 2009.)). [youtube]q-wGMlSuX_c[/youtube] In addition, digging the typography on…