Picking a Domain Name
So I’m in the market to grab a domain name for this blog site. Here’s what Lou had to say about my picks: lou (5:29:22 PM): yeah…be even without the story it sounds like a cool domain name lou (5:29:40 PM): it has more “wow factor” than wowsers…even though wowsers has the word “wow” in…
FedEx Logo and the Arrow
Interesting. Never (or at least I don’t remember) seeing that in there. Gotta see it to believe it I guess. Read more here.
Las Vegas Trip For Tony’s Team PI
…album link
Experimenting With Flickr Gallery
Did I tell you that Flickr is sooo cool?!?! I’m trying to integrate and pull the images from Flickr, and have them posted in my blog template and/or site. Here’s what I came up with so far. Let me know what you think. Thanks =)
Me On Saving Money
Oh man… Sometimes I just forget to think, and go with “the force”. Jenn was IMing me to check out which laptop I recommend for her to get. So yah, it’ll prolly be a Dell 600m or 700m (but its still being thought of). Meanwhile… me (8:50:54 PM): you buying one? …just save money, and…