the flasher
for the fellas primarily—just don’t proceed if you at work =] click here
broken stuff
well…there goes doing job hunts using the information super-highway for this week (or so in the future)… my computer took another dump, and now…i can’t even access anything after i turn the power on. might be the freaking motherboard/HDD controller, or the hard-drive(s). either way…i’m screwed on getting some resumes/apps sent. yay =\
PROCEEDS WILL GO TO: NAVOTAS, PHILIPPINES. (here’s a tidbit about the place…click here) Steelhead Brewing Co. (University Marketplace) Saturday, January 25th, 2003 doors open at 10pm 21 & UP FREE before 10:30pm, $3 after 18+ $5
this foo is gangsta
jevon’s AIM away message…
free URL forwarding
yo! for the homies and homegirlz that want free URL forwarding like http://yourname.916xL.com … let me know, just post a comment on this entry