We’re Just Human

I see this “Anti-Discrimination Bill” being talked about earlier in the news here in the PI, I say cool. At the same time, question: “It’s 2012? Is this just another act of politicking? Etc.”

I wondered why this isn’t already inclusive; as part of the PI’s Bill of Rights (Article 3)? A quick research of the Philippine’s Constitution (been a while since I’ve seen this as you may know), ain’t these enough common sense to abide by?

  • Article 3, Section 1
  • Article 3, Section 5
  • Preamble, “under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace…”

You would also think for a population that is dominantly Christian (90%+), a religion that holds “Love” as the greatest commandment (all religions and belief systems do), wouldn’t this be instilled from the start of one’s upbringing and social interactions. But I guess, that’s just part of the struggle.

We live to be our best self one day at a time. We’re just human.