
I haven’t heard this kind of Music in a while. Something that just took me in the first 15-seconds of listening to get more songs of, when the currently playing song wasn’t even finished yet. This was 3 o’clock early in the morning mind you.

Givers is an indie pop group from Lafayette, Louisiana. The band is made up of vocalist and percussionist Tiffany Lamson, vocalist and guitarist Taylor Guarisco, drummer and vocalist Kirby Campbell, bassist and guitarist Josh LeBlanc, and flautist, saxophonist, and keyboardist Nick Stephan.

The first time I heard of their glorious sound was through Spotify. I was just tuned in to a on-your-radar playlist per se; about 50 songs that are the bees knees. Then this gem played, “Up Up Up”. I was hooked. It just sounded so full, up-beat, and made a riot of good emotions rush through.

“Up Up Up”.

After finding that Spotify has their debut album, “In Light“, I went through it a couple of times and continued to keep working. I enjoyed it so much that I didn’t notice it was 5AM by the time I looked at the clock.


What else? It seems they are great at a live show. They surely get funky from these videos:

Givers at SXSW 2010.

“Meantime”, featuring LHS Drumline (Festival International de Louisiane 2010).

“Saw You First” (Festival International de Louisiane 2010).

Givers live at Black Cab Sessions, Field Day 2011.

Find more videos of them live here on Youtube.

Last but not least, this is one group I wouldn’t mind going to see live for sure. So what are you waiting for? Keep your ears out for them, and be sure to check them out: