Free iPod … and FYI, Its Legit*

  1. use my referral link here
  2. make sure to select the NEW 20GB iPod
  3. enter a secondary “spam” email address, but it must be legit for verification purposes
  4. create a password, and go to the next step
  5. next marketing questions come up, i just selected NO on all of them
  6. then, put in your valid mailing address…needed for your iPod shipment
  7. after the previous step, you should get an email to confirm your account… just follow the directions on the email to verify it
  8. note: make sure to turn-off your pop-up blocker(s) for the following steps. you’ll should get two windows/popups (one from telling you the details of the trial offer, and the other one from the offer you clicked on)
  9. then, you need to signup for one of the free trial offers. i selected Infone b/c you get a free $10 gift certificate from too. dont worry, you can cancel anytime.

    if you’re worried about putting a credit card, and have paypal, you can use your virtual debit card. just go login to paypal; click on Shops below the page; and click on Shop Anywhere

    if you dont see infone, you can try the others (ie. AOL and/or Netscape)

  10. after that, you should notice the following when logged in to your account (Check Status)…

    Your Status:

    Congratulations! You have completed your requirements. Now just get 5 friends to complete an offer.

  11. then just use your own referral to give to coworkers, friends, and family members using the exact same steps as above

*here’s some valid arguments on why this works… click here for the link