Month: May 2009

  • Drake – So Far Gone

    Can’t believe I forgot to post about this a while back. Anyways, in case you guys are just hearing gold now on your local radio stations, here’s Drake’s “So Far Gone” mixtape… ((As I posted in March. Don’t sleep on it!))

  • The L.A.S.E.R.S. Manifesto

    Here’s the video of The L.A.S.E.R.S. Manifesto [youtube]BZtAQQh-yYA[/youtube] To Every Man, Woman & Child… We Want an End to the Glamorization of Negativity in the Media. We Want an End to Status Symbols Dictating Our Worth As Individuals. We Want a Meaningful and Universal Education System. We Want Substance in the Place of Popularity. We…

  • Coldplay

    Coldplay is presenting a nine-song set live CD called LeftRightLeftRightLeft for all of us fans. You may download it now at Here’s the track listing: Glass of Water 42 Clocks Strawberry Swing The Hardest Part/Postcards From Far Away Viva La Vida Death Will Never Conquer Fix You Death and All His Friends

  • Forty Sixty Photography Shirts

    Digging these photography-inspired tees from Forty Sixty Photo: They got a couple more: ((Their store.))

  • Mafia Wars for iPhone

    If you are looking for a new, free iPhone game, check out Mafia Wars by Zynga. It is also available on other platforms (i.e. Facebook, My Yahoo!, and MySpace) but I have only played it on the iPhone with some persuasion. It seems to have a pretty big following and a compilation of strategy guides…